The UC Immunization Policy requires Incoming Students to obtain the vaccinations and screening recommended for colleges and universities by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) for those diseases that can be passed on to others by respiratory transmission. Exceptions are available based on medical contraindications and religious/ personal belief. Please see the Exception portion of our website for more details.

Required Vaccination and Proof of Immunization

Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR)

2 doses; first dose on or after age one -OR- blood test (titer) showing immunity.

Varicella (Chickenpox)

History of Chickenpox does not satisfy the requirement.

2 doses; first dose on or after age one -OR- blood test (titer) showing immunity.

Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (Tdap)

Td and Dtap (a childhood vaccine) do not satisfy the requirement.

1 dose on or after age 11, then Tdap every 10 years.

Meningococcal Conjugate Serogroups A, C, Y & W-135 (MenACWY)

For students age 21 years and younger only.

MenB vaccines (e.g. Trumenba or Bexsero) do not satisfy the requirement.

1 dose on or after age 16 for all students that are under 22 years of age. Students 22 or older may leave blank.

Screening Questionnaire for Tuberculosis

Log in toThe Ashe Center Patient Portal, click “Complete My Immunization Requirements.” Click UPDATE next to TB screening and answer the questions.

All incoming students are required to complete the TB screening questionnaire on The Ashe Center Patient Portal.

Students who have any “yes” answers on the questionnaire are required to submit documentation of a TB test, done within the 6-month period preceding entry to UCLA. Those with a previous positive TB test are required to submit documentation of a chest x-ray done within the 6-month period preceding entry to UCLA.

Seasonal Influenza (Flu) Vaccine

Students must either: (1) submit documentation of the influenza vaccine or (2) affirmatively decline influenza vaccination.

Important: Those who choose to decline influenza vaccination MUST submit the declination using The Ashe Center Patient Portal (Medical Clearances section) to fulfill this requirement.

1 dose on or after August 1, 2024

Deadline for flu vaccination or documented affirmative declination is November 1.

Updated COVID-19 Vaccine

Students must either: (1) submit documentation of the 2024-2025 updated COVID-19 vaccine or (2) affirmatively decline the vaccine.

Important: Those who choose to decline the 2024-2025 updated COVID-19 vaccine MUST submit the declination using The Ashe Center Patient Portal (Medical Clearances section) to fulfill this requirement.

1 dose of Pfizer, Moderna, or Novavax vaccine on or after 8/21/24 or affirmative declination.

Deadline for COVID-19 vaccination or documented affirmative declination is November 1.

How to Comply with the UC Immunization Requirements:

  1. Submit your Statement of Intent to Register SIR/SLR.

  2. Please allow 2 business days after submitting your SIR/SLR before attempting to access the Ashe Patient Portal.

  3. Be prepared! Gather all of the info you’ll need to complete your requirements online.

  4. Go to the UCLA Immunization Requirements website and sign in to The Ashe Center Patient Portal.

  5. Once you are logged in, from Home page, click “Medical Clearances.”
  6. Enter all of the requested dates and immunization information.

  7. Upload images or PDF files of your immunization records, laboratory tests, and/or chest x-ray by clicking on the Immunization Document upload tab.

  8. You can check your compliance status from the Patient Portal by selecting Medical Clearance.